We break down data silos and find your Source of Truth.
Data silos are the biggest barrier to a holistic view of your company’s performance. They breed data inconsistencies and make it difficult to glean insights that you can act on confidently. Our experience in all facets of data management, analysis, and privacy will help you deliver a unified Source of Truth.
We provide data audits, monetization strategy, infrastructure advisory, and data privacy services that elevate your digital marketing by breaking down these silos, dissolving overlap, combine your data to form a unified organizational view, and do it all with your customers’ experience in mind.
Personalized experiences, powered by data science & AI.
Delivering a truly powerful experience, requires getting smart about your data and learn exactly what’s going to hit home for your customers. We use data science and AI like a chef uses seasoning — in everything to develop the best possible meal. From propensity modeling to determine who is and is not likely to take an action to optimizing the delivery time of messages to when someone is most likely to both open and consider to advanced segmentation and clustering algorithms, we have the tools to drive your success.
Testing, research, and quantitative analysis.
Once we’ve implemented state-of-the-art reporting and tracking tools within your organization, we’ll help you discover which approaches work best through A/B and multivariate testing, and quantitative analysis.
We also provide market research and data augmentation offerings via several partners we’ve worked alongside for over a decade, so you can continue to understand your audience on a deeper level.
Fast, actionable insights from Business Intelligence tools.
Business Intelligence tools are really only as intelligent as what goes into filling them and designing their data views. We start with your goals and KPIs, compile the right data, and developing reporting and analysis that can give you an advantage. We even take it a step further and provide analysis services for a human perspective.
Stop guessing, and start making data-driven decisions.
Without a unified organizational view of your data, your marketing actions may as well be based on a guess. Contact the Asman Group and get the data science and analytics you need to start getting ahead of your competition.