The Importance of Audience Segmentation

When it comes to audience segmentation, many businesses struggle with understanding its importance in effective communication and customer experience strategy. Segmenting your customers is a critical step in creating an effective communication strategy and providing a great customer experience. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of customer segmentation and how you can use it to improve your business!

What is Segmentation?

Segmentation is the process of dividing your customers into groups based on shared characteristics. By segmenting your customers, you can better understand their needs and develop targeted communication strategies. Additionally, audience segmentation can help you improve your experience by tailoring your message to specific groups.

Benefits of Segmentation

There are many benefits of customer segmentation, including:

  • Improved Communication: By segmenting your customers, you can develop targeted communication strategies that are more likely to resonate with each group.
  • Better Customer Experience: Customer segmentation can help you improve your customer experience by tailoring your products and services to specific groups.
  • Insights: Segmenting your customers can give you valuable insights into their needs and preferences. This information can help you develop more effective marketing and communication strategies.

How Should an Audience be Segmented?

There are many ways to segment your audience. It’s important to balance segment size with your goals. Having segments that are too small may not deliver on your goals while those that are too large might miss the mark with your audience and show poor measurement results. When that happens you also risk losing audience members via unsubscribes, cancelations, etc.

Some factors to consider when segmenting your audience include:

  1. Demographics: Age, gender, location, etc.
  2. Interests: What are they interested in?
  3. Purchase History: What have they purchased in the past?
  4. Behaviors: How do they interact with your brand?

More advanced methods that we create for our clients include implied segments, which are those where we can make inferences based on observed data, and modeled segments which involve predictively scoring audience members on certain traits and then using the score as criteria.

Both of these require more data and analysis but can create very powerful segments that go beyond the traditional demographic and purchase-based segments.

When Should Segmentation be Used?

Audience segmentation should be used any time you are communicating with your customers. This includes marketing campaigns, customer service interactions, product development, and even internal communications.  To learn more about how advanced segmentation models may help your business, contact us to schedule an initial consultation.